The past few days have been full of nothing but procrastination. I know I'm not the only person who suffers from it - the vast majority of people I speak to who have uni essays or assignments to hand in, or work deadlines to meet, have gone/are going through the same thing as I - but sometimes it feels like I am. I can honestly say, hand on heart, that I am the worst when it comes to writing essays. You may scoff, and offer yourself said title, but you'd be doing me a disservice because I don't think you actually realise just how bad one person can be. I mean, hey, I am all about the giving of advice to other people re: writing an essay etc. but do I take my own advice on board?! Do I heck!
No matter what, every single essay process starts this way, and each time it happens the more stressed I become. I have an essay due in Thursday but I have to hand it in Wednesday because of a 2 hour lecture Thursday morning that I can’t miss because the lecturer jam-packs it full of info he negates to put down, in any way, shape or form, on our handouts/lecture slides (I hope you made it through that incredibly long sentence in one piece!) Yet despite this deadline being ridiculous close, I've not even begun to start writing it. Which is a little worrying. No, a lot worrying.
I started the day today thinking I was going to write about one topic. Knuckled down to do some reading for it. Un-knuckled back up to not do said reading because I couldn't understand anything past the first sentence. So I changed my mind, going back to a topic I first thought I was going to do when I originally contemplated writing the essay in the first place (some 3 weeks ago now, wouldn't it have been heavenly if I'd actually made a start on it then?!). I began to do some reading, panicked, stopped reading. Panicked again about what to do. Made a cuppa and ate some chocolate buttons. Panicked (you probably sense a pattern emerging here) then changed my mind, again, and chose to do the topic I really wanted to leave until the after-Easter deadline because I love it and wanted to take my time doing it but because it's the only topic I actually bloody understand, with the time constraints (imposed on myself, as is my life!) I've got to go with it. The only problem is that, because I like the topic, I've almost read too much on it, so now have thoroughly confused myself and keep changing my mind regarding how I feel about the question. URGH!!
Anyone else living for the weekend?!! :)
In case you were wondering what it looks like - here's me in the flat, before I started writing.
The calm before the storm as it were. And look, I even tidied for you! |