As mentioned back at the beginning of the month, one of my blogging goals for 2014 is to take more photos (the main reason being that I'd have more of my own to 'feature' on Tori's Tales) and very slowly, but certainly surely, I am doing just that; here we have four (count em') photos taken by my own - possibly incapable but nonetheless try-able (making up words again, Tors?) - hands, and of my very brand-spanking new camera to boot!
At the start of January I read through one of Cat's posts dedicated to her goals for the year, one of which was to shoot more film. She featured in the post a photo of her Olympus Trip 35 and when I saw it, something clicked inside of me and I thought 'you know what? I think I'd like to have a go at using one of those!'. I headed over to eBay (which is where Cat bought hers) and had a little search before coming across a bidding opportunity I couldn't pass up; I won the camera, plus it's case and a film, for a very decent £18.51!
Considering the original catch phrase - as heard here in an ad for the camera from the 70's, featuring David Bailey - was 'The Olympus Trip. So simple, anyone can use it' one would think (and hope) that my limited photography skills and camera knowledge won't be too much of a barrier against making a start with my OT. I'll no doubt be documenting my journey here as and when I do so.
And in case you were wondering, I used a beautiful book - Eyewitness Travel's 'Travel - Where to go when' that offers a guide to choosing the best month of the year to travel to destinations all across the globe - as the backdrop for photos 1 and 2 above. The blue tiles are situated in 'Where to go: April' and can be found on the interior walls of the Blue Mosque in Istanbul and the misty forest (how awesome would it be to witness that? Those are some lucky inhabitants!) is featured in 'Where to go: August' and is of somewhere I've actually visited - the Black Forest in Germany. Can anyone guess (the globe may offer you a little hint) where in the world I'd like to visit next?
If anyone owns, or has owned, an Olympus Trip before (or similar) and can offer me information or advice regarding how to use a film camera, please do give me a heads up in the comments section so we can have a chat about it all!